Zay zay Community Q-1 hand-pump supplies water to about 300 people
Zay zay Community Q-1 hand-pump supplies water to about 300 people
The team working on a broken handpump
The team working on a broken handpump
Happy to have clean drinking water
Happy to have clean drinking water
The People of Liberia thank
Andrew Pohran (Nepean, ON)

For helping them repair their handpump in
Zay Zay Community Curve Q1
Latitude: 6.28962 Longitude: -10.68038
Open map

A message from the community

Zay Zay Community Curve Q1 is happy with the work done by the pump repair team on our broken hand pump. We are blessed to have Lifewater Canada looking out for us. Good bless you! 

  -- Community Leaders

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

About 700 children and adults in Zay Zay Community Curve Q1 did not have access to safe water for a week after the hand-powered pump on their local well stopped working. There were seven anxious days during which everyone had to drink from unsafe sources including a nearby river. People were fearful of contracting waterborne illnesses until Lifewater, through the generosity of our donors, arrived and repaired the hand pump. Safe water is flowing again in Zay Zay Community Curve Q1.

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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