Soul Clinic Community handpump supplies water to about 800 people
Soul Clinic Community handpump supplies water to about 800 people
The pump undergoing repair
The pump undergoing repair
Happy to have clean water
Happy to have clean water
The People of Liberia thank
Dave and Nora Swanson (Kitchener, ON)
Maureen Paracy-Jesseau (Canada)

For helping them repair their handpump in
Down F-Sham School
Latitude: 6.28615 Longitude: -10.67404
Open map

A message from the community

It is with a joyful heart that we thank Lifewater Canada for the repair of our broken hand pump. We have gone without clean water for a long time. We are so grateful that clean water is back.

  -- Community Leaders

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Five weeks ago, the hand-powered pump on the well at Down F-Sham School in Soul Clinic Community stopped working. It forced about 800 children and adults at the school and in the homes surrounding it to begin gathering water from a nearby river. The river is contaminated, so drinking from it put everyone at risk of contracting diarrheal diseases. There were water vendors available, but very few residents could afford them.

Recently, however, Lifewater repaired the pump. Now the grateful community, thanks to our donors, has access to safe water again.

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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