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The People of Kurame Angwan Hakima, Nigeria, thank
Bill Webster (Parry Sound, ON)
Eric Miller (Smithers, BC)
The Water Team (West Vancouver, BC )
In Memory of John Ellis

For helping them get safe drinking water
Latitude: 8.55829 Longitude: 8.05182
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A message from the community

Appreciation Letter

We wish to express our gratitude to the entire board and donors of Lifewater Canada and Lifewater Nigeria for their generous support of our community development by donating water wells and hand pumps.

We are so grateful and lack words to express our joy. May God continue to bless you for all you do in supporting rural communities.

Yours faithfully,

John Magaji, Community Leader

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Kurame is a town in Nigeria's Nasarawa State about 35 kilometers southeast of the capital of Abuja. The increasing number of people with no access to safe water has been a concern for all residents.

Their water sources were always hand-dug wells and streams, neither of which provide safe water. Also, although these tainted sources produce water during rainy seasons, climate change has lengthened the dry seasons when the wells and streams have little water to offer. The growing population further challenges the community's overstretched water resources.

The number of people in Kurame who must visit the hospital with water-borne diseases has been increasing, a community elder told Lifewater's drilling and repair team when we arrived in the town. Thanks to our donors, the community now has four new wells -- including this one -- positioned strategically for everyone's easy access.

Local women danced and chanted their local songs as we installed the new wells. The community is grateful to Lifewater Canada and our donors for quenching their thirst for water.

Well Details

Project Completed: 2022-03-22 Well Depth: 164 ft.
Depth of Water: 33.00 ft. Casing Diameter: 4.00 in.
Screen Length: 0.00 ft. Developed By: Electric Pump
Development Time: 3.00 hrs. Well Yield: 5.00 gpm
Disinfection: 24.00 hrs. Handpump: Afridev
Water Colour: Clear Water Odour: None
Turbidity: Clear Taste: Good
Nitrate: Bacti Test:
Iron: pH: 9.330

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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