Hand pump in need of repair
Hand pump in need of repair
Flowing freely once again
Flowing freely once again
The People of Liberia thank
John Wassenaar (Murillo, ON)
Ellen Upton (Thunder Bay, ON)
Katherine Zandstra (Thunder Bay, ON)

For helping them repair their handpump in
Dark Forest Community Q2
Latitude: 5.9004764 Longitude: -10.0192652
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A message from the community

Dear Life water Inc.

The community of Dark Forest Quarter Two writes to inform you that we are highly grateful for the pump repair done in our community. May God bless you as you continue to help others in the same fate.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Prince C. Diggs

Community Leader

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Dark Forest Community Q2 is in the county of Grand Bassa. As a community populated with over 1,500 inhabitants, it had a pressing for a pump repair. Most, in their search for safe drinking water, would walk miles. This would leave children late for school and women abandoning their businesses just to get a bucket of water.

The Lifewater team moving in the county was a great relief to this community.

‘‘We usually have water in our pump all year round but since our pump spoiled, we now travel long distance for water," one local said.

Now that Lifewater repaired the pump, life has returned to normal in Dark Forest Community Q2. Walking through the community, anyone can visibly sense the relief Lifewater's repair work brought the people.

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!

457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1

+1 807-622-4848
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