New Well
New Well
Old Water Source
Old Water Source
Tumu Town Celebration of safe water!
Tumu Town Celebration of safe water!
Learning about Health & Hygiene
Learning about Health & Hygiene
Tumu Town
Tumu Town
The People of Tumu Town, Liberia, thank
The Water Team (Vancouver, BC)

For helping them get safe drinking water
Latitude: 6.79728 Longitude: -10.3629
Open map

A message from the community

Dear Lifewater & Sponsor,

We the people of Tumu Town say thank you so much for the modern hand pump you have constructed in our town.  We pray that the Lord will give you more blessings and finances to help other communities. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Nelson S. Kollie


We the community were very happy for the workshop conducted for us, it was very good and educative. Please come again, and we pray that God will bless and promote Lifewater Liberia in Jesus Name Amen.

With kind regards,

James Cisco, Chief

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

On June 22,2017 a Health & Hygiene Workshop was held for the people in Tumu Town and 30 people participated, they were very glad to have the workshop and asked Lifewater to come again.

Tumu Town is located along the Bong Mines road near Kitoku Town, the people that live here are mostly women and children. This town desperately needed safe water, since their only source was hand dug wells resulting in many health issues. With this new well, safe water will protect and promote good health. Thank you for giving "Water for Life".

This well was drilled as part of a cooperative NGO initiative to provide safe drinking water to all Liberian's. Thanks to ''The Last Well Inc.'' for their coordination and support!

Well Details

Project Completed: 2017-06-21 Well Depth: 50 ft.
Depth of Water: 5.00 ft. Casing Diameter: 4.00 in.
Screen Length: 10.00 ft. Developed By: Electric Pump
Development Time: 3.00 hrs. Well Yield: 6.00 gpm
Disinfection: 24.00 hrs. Handpump: Afridev
Water Colour: Clear Water Odour: None
Turbidity: Clear Taste: Good
Nitrate: 0.000 mg/L Bacti Test: Negative
Iron: 0.000 mg/L pH: 7.000

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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