Pump Repair Project
Latitude: 7.3621482, Longitude: -8.4259373
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On behalf of Yeaplay Public School community, we wish to say a big thank you to Lifewater Canada and Service to Servants for servicing our broken hand pumps and for giving our students access to clean and safe drinking water. We are grateful for your support. ---School Leaders
Students from Yeaplay Public School in Liberia's Nimba county had not seen a drop of water from their school wells in more than a year. The hand pumps were broken, cutting off the supply of clean and safe drinking and washing water. The students struggled to acquire clean drinking water to a point they would resort to drinking from shallow wells. However, we repaired the broken hand pumps. Thanks to Lifewater Canada donors, clean and safe drinking water is now accessible to all in Yeaplay Public School.