Latitude: 7.3416557, Longitude: -8.7582467
open map
A message from the community
We write to express our gratitude for the repair of our broken hand pumps. The repairs have enabled us to have a constant flow of much needed clean water. May God bless you all.
---Community Leaders
Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)
Two months ago, the hand pump on Gehwee community's well stopped working. Everyone was forced to begin buying water from expensive vendors. Although the vendor water is safe, the cost put an enormous strain on most families' budgets. But thanks to Lifewater Canada donors, we have repaired the hand pump and rehabilitated the well so safe, affordable water is flowing again in Gehwee community.
This is a view of Gehwee community
Old water source
Community well
Work in progress
For just over $1 you can provide a child with safe water for a year!