Project #:


Project Type:

Pump Repair Project

Project Date:


The People of

Browns Town Q3

Margibi County , Liberia

are thankful for the generous support of

Noah Marshall

(Montreal, QC)

Tammy Middleton

(Waterloo, ON)

Anonymous donor

for helping rehabilitate their broken handpump and reestablish their access to safe water

Latitude: 6.2912168, Longitude: -10.3763731
open map

A message from the community

We wish to say thank you all so much for servicing our hand pump. We are no longer afraid that our hand pump might break down after the work your team did on it. Thanks lots. ---Community Leaders

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Access to clean and safe drinking water was becoming a concern to the residents of Browns town because the hand pump on the well serving the community was not working well, and the residents were fearful that soon enough they will not be able to access clean drinking water from the well. However, our hand pump repair team visited the village and serviced the hand pump, ensuring that there is uninterrupted flow of clean water in Browns town.

This is a view of Browns village

This is a view of Browns village

Old water source

Old water source

Village hand pump

Village hand pump

Work in progress

Work in progress

Clean water is back!

Clean water is back!

For just over $1 you can provide a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1, Canada
+1 807-622-4848
BN: 885420737RR0001

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