Project #:


Project Type:

Pump Replacement Projects

Project Date:


The People of


, Nigeria

are thankful for the generous support of

Martin Buck

(Mill Bay, BC )

Judi Jeffers

(Calgary, AB)

Joan DeVerteuil

(Vancouver, BC)

Ning Wei

(Markham, ON)
for helping rehabilitate their broken well and reestablish their access to safe water

Latitude: 8.86589, Longitude: 7.0653
open map

A message from the community

On behalf of the people of Zhibata community, we sincerely thank Lifewater Canada/Nigeria for their effort in rehabilitating our damaged borehole. The borehole has been down for more than two years now. With the help of this organization, the story is different now. Thanks Yours faithfully, Rev. Habila A. Gbegme 08127941656

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

I am Reverend Habila. I am grateful to Lifewater for heeding our plea after we cried to the organization for help. We have been facing severe water scarcity for months due to the damage to our borehole. With the rehabilitation of the once-damaged borehole, our wives would no longer have to walk long distances in search of water. Our children's health will significantly improve, as will the hygiene of everyone in the community. Thank you so much for coming to our aid. We are all so happy for the kind effort of the organization. The restoration of our access to clean, potable water is a significant milestone for the people of the Zhibata Community.

Well Details

Well Depth: 157 ft. Turbidity: Clear
Depth of Water: 10.00 ft. Water Colour: Clear
Well Yield: 7.00 gpm Water Odour: None
Screen Length: 0.00 ft. Taste: Good
Casing Diameter: 4.00 in. Nitrate:
Handpump: Afridev Iron:
Developed By: Electric Pump pH: 7.900
Development Time: 0.25 hrs. Bacti Test:
Disinfection: 24.00 hrs.

Community Overview

Community Overview

Men from the community

Men from the community

Previous Source

Previous Source



Work in Progress

Work in Progress

For just over $1 you can provide a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1, Canada
+1 807-622-4848
BN: 885420737RR0001

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