Project #:


Project Type:

Pump Repair Project

Project Date:


The People of

Gbarmue Public school

Bong , Liberia

are thankful for the generous support of

Jennifer Atkinson

(Cobourg, ON )
for helping rehabilitate their broken handpump and reestablish their access to safe water

Latitude: 7.1331001, Longitude: -9.4030476
open map

A message from the community

Students, teachers and parents of Gbarmue Public school would wish to extend thanks to Lifewater Canada for funding the repair of our school hand pump. Our students have plenty of drinking water. May God bless you all. ---Community Leaders

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

When the hand pump on the school well stopped working two years ago, students at Gbarmue Public school in Liberia's Bong county struggled to observe proper hygiene, and they would leave the school premises to drink from other distant sources. Overall, the lack of clean drinking water in the school negatively affected performance and health of the students. Thankfully, things are looking up now, after Lifewater Canada funded the repair of the broken down hand pump, thus restoring the flow of clean and safe water in the school.

Village school

Village school

Village school hand pump

Village school hand pump

Village school hand pump undergoing repairs

Village school hand pump undergoing repairs

Grateful students

Grateful students

For just over $1 you can provide a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1, Canada
+1 807-622-4848
BN: 885420737RR0001

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