Pump Repair Project
Latitude: 7.1518916, Longitude: -9.3979548
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We wish to say a big thank you to Lifewater Canada for coming through for the residents of Kpaii village and fixing our two hand pumps. Thank you for ensuring that we have enough of clean water. ---Community Leaders
Women would miss income-earning time after the hand pump on Kapii’s well stopped working and they had to go out in search of water. The only available source was a dirty shallow well three kilometres away. The walk to and from this source was time-consuming and tiring. And sadly, the water brought home to families was dirty so it caused children and adults to become sick with diarrhea or other illnesses. But recently, Lifewater visited Kapii and, thanks to our donors, repaired the broken-down hand pump. The grateful community has safe water again.